Mendeley Reference Manager - Software: If you need to work offline. If you have any questions about Mendeley, please contact us by email. It works with the Mendeley Cite plugin for attribution and can be downloaded here.
Mendeley citation plugin install#
You can install Mendeley Desktop through the WUR software center (previously !Available software) or directly on the Mendeley website. This means: When you click on an in-text citation or reference in your bibliography it will be grey and coded. At this point, it is important to remember that any references or bibliographies generated via the citation plugin tool are coded to your Mendeley Library.

MS Word allows you to insert citations from your Mendeley library.
Mendeley citation plugin upgrade#

The previous versions of Mendeley (Mendeley desktop, up to v1.19.8) work with a plugin to activate this function in Word. It is an important function of your reference manager software. Mendeley cite allows you to cite as you write.